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Shipping & Tracking

Where does Stackry ship?

Stackry ships to destinations worldwide. Estimate shipping costs by entering your destination country/territory and package weight and dimensions on Stackry’s shipping calculator. If your country/territory does not appear, contact Stackry support for a shipping quote.

Can I use my own prepaid shipping label to ship a package out from Stackry?

No. Stackry does not allow the use of third party shipping labels. Customers must use a Stackry provided carrier for all outgoing shipments

What is the estimated delivery time for my shipment and how can I track it?

Delivery time varies by location, international shipping carrier and service level (express, priority, etc…).Express delivery arrives in as little as 3 business days.

Stackry will provide the carrier’s tracking number for your international shipment.

Please see Stackry’s International Shipping Options page for a breakdown of estimated delivery times.

What is dimensional weight and why does it matter?

When shipping internationally, carriers calculate the cost based on both the weight and size of the package. Carriers charge for whichever is higher between the scale weight and the space the package takes up on an airplane. If your package is large but not very heavy, you may be charged based on its size (dimensional weight).

Dimensional weight is calculated by multiplying the length by width by height of each package in inches or centimeters and dividing by a dimensional weight factor. The dimensional weight factor varies by service offering and unit of measure (in or cm).

Stackry’s partner carriers DHL, FedEx and DHL Global Mail all use a dimensional weight factor of 166. The United States Postal Service (USPS) and FedEx Connect do not use dimensional weight to calculate the final price of shipping.

When dimensional weight exceeds scale weight, shipments are charged according to the dimensional weight.

See Stackry’s dimensional weight page for more details.

Which shipping carriers does Stackry work with?

Stackry customers can ship with DHL, FedEx, Aramex and the U.S. Postal Service. See Stackry’s international shipping options page for more detail on service levels.

What modes of transportation does Stackry offer for international shipping?

Stackry’s carriers offers options for air service worldwide and ground service to Canada. We do not offer options for sea or ocean freight service.