My Cards

Verified cards are only required when shipping to the following countries: .
For all other countries you can save your credit card during the checkout process.

Here you will be able to see all your credit cards.

How does card verification work?

How does card verification work?

Account verification is simple!
  1. You enter your credit card details.
  2. Stackry will charge a small amount (less than $2.00) to your card.
  3. You log in to your credit card account online to see the amount we have charged your card.
  4. You tell us the amount that we charged.
That’s it! Your payment has been verified and can be used time and time again! Get started below!

Why do I need to verify my payment method?

Stackry requires credit card account verification when shipping to certain countries because we need to ensure that the credit card that you use for certain things is in fact your card!